Our work goes on

To qualify for charity status the PFMA had to have a recognised Constitution which satisfied OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator. One of the necessary requirements is a section detailing our purposes.

One of our purposes is to increase awareness of our fishing heritage, and protect this for future generations, by interacting with local schools and groups and gathering information on the history and heritage of the town. We also needed to have a maintenance and insurance plan.

To finance the above we will continue to have coffee mornings and various exhibitions to raise funds.

To comply with the above, giving consideration to all the images and information we have gathered over the last few years, we will be setting up a Database of information concerning the fishing industry, people, boats, buildings etc. We are in the process of indexing the material we have, and it is hoped we will have this up and running later this year. This is to help people access their family heritage in a simple way, by clicking on a boat’s number, or a person’s name, and the information we have will be displayed.

As we are all amateurs with computer work, this may take some time but we think it will be a valuable resource for future generations.

The Memorial has been well received and we have had many comments and congratulations on the work done. Thank you to all who helped, donated, and gave time free of charge. It would not have been possible without so many generous supporters.