We thank the St Andrews Photographers who displayed some of their prints, postcards and calendars for sale, in the Church Hall, while we provided the baking, teas and coffees, raising £150 for our project. Thank you to all who visited and those who took part in the raffle. The winners have been notified.
Our Fishy Quiz was very popular but there were no all correct submissions. Of the 4 with 1 answer wrong, M Richardson of Pittenweem was the name drawn, and she will be enjoying her fish suppers from Wilma and Alex  soon.

The answers from 1 to 25 were: COD, SCALLOP, COCKLES, BASS, HERRING, KIPPER, PRAWN, PEPPERED MACKEREL, LEMON SOLE, DAB, HADDOCK, CLAM, MUSSEL, EEL, GOLDFISH, HAKE, SALMON, TUNA, FLOUNDER, CRAB, LIMPET, SWORDFISH, WITCH, SKATE, RED SNAPPER. Thanks to everybody who took part in our wee bit of fun. We might do one next year.

Our next event is a Christmas Craft Fayre in Pittenweem Church Hall on Saturday 24th November. Teas and baking will be available, and we believe Santa will be making an appearance if he can spare the time off from toy making.