Coffee Morning Success

Our first coffee morning in the kirk hall in Pittenweem, on Wednesday 13th September was a great success. Our total for the morning was over £440. An enormous thanks to everyone who attended and bought raffle tickets and baking etc. It was good to meet so many people and we appreciate the support considering it was a bit of a dreich day.

We will be having another one on Saturday 30th September. There will be one or two less tables, due to the fact we are combining it with an exhibition of paintings and old postcards of Pittenweem.

The paintings which will be on show, (we hope to have around 20), are pre 1980s and paintings that have not been generally seen by the public. The postcards have been blown up in size, and mostly in b&w, and pasted on black backing boards. They show how Pittenweem has changed through the years.

Come along and be nudged back to your youthful days, and see if you can recognize any old faces or boats. We would love to see you and have a blether. You can also find out more of our ideas for a memorial, and we would welcome suggestions.