The Christmas Fair held in Pittenweem kirk hall on Saturday 24th November was well attended with 13 Craft stalls selling a variety of gifts. We built a grotto in the hope that Santa might pay us a visit, and he duly appeared with his Elf “Amanda” for a short time. The bairns were very excited and they all received a small gift from Santa’s sack.
Teas and baking were available for the adults, and the Christmas music and smell of the warm mince pies made for a cosy atmosphere.
Thanks to everybody who visited us and the Crafters for taking part, plus all who helped in any way possible. Our total raised on the day was over £400 which was greatly appreciated.
We have now reached our target of £75,000, and the contracts have been signed with the scupltor and the foundry. It is envisaged that an unveiling will be in October of 2019.
We have had tremendous support from the local community, and farther afield, and we appreciate every donation, which will now ensure that a tribute to the hardships and lives lost in the fishing industry from the East Neuk will now be recognised.